This idea really came from the news and it was something not so original, but it is something that happens often in today’s world. Domestic violence is very common today and we need to be conscious of this issue and how it affects us individually and as a community. Sometimes we think this doesn’t happen in our environment, but you’ll be surprise how many case and people around you grow up with this type of abuse and they don’t say anything about it until is too late and only a few percentage raise up their voice and denounce it to the authorities.

I’m thankful that this never happened with my family, but I did see it in close hand when my uncle hit my aunt. Thankfully my other uncles stepped up and defended my aunt form him. Today they are separated but at least I think they are happy. However, what they didn’t take in consideration was that my cousins had to go through the hardship of seen their parents get divorce. I’m glad that that didn’t affected them because today they are good people and they don’t like that type of abuse.

I think I came up with good decision-making points because I think that it marked where the story would go if you pick one option. I still think I could have done better but this is my first ever project like this and to be honest it was fun making it. The beats of the story may not be so accurate or what it’s expected but I think that some people can relate to this game/story. I’m sure I’m not the only one that has experience domestic violence directly or indirectly.

As a player we often get attracted for what we see and how it looks, so I tried to ask GIF’s instead of images so that the person would at least feel what kind of environment the story has. I think as humans we enjoy reading more when we see something not static and our interest grows because what we see reveals a lot of what we are interacting with. Visually I think I did a good job by adding those gifts, now since my first language is not English I do think that my writing would kill some of the readers attention or motivation to play this game, although the can relate sometimes we loos interest if we can’t comprehend what we are reading and that’s totally understandable because I’m like that too.

Like I said before my character was based on domestic violence but from the point of view of the daughter/son because he/she was the most affected one, and yes of course the mom was the one that received the beatings but as children they tent to be more vulnerable when they can’t do anything. In this case my character first ignored the situation and didn’t give much of attention which led to the death of her/his mother by his stepdad. Then another scenario was when he related the pain of her mother suffering the abuse and he/she seek for help. He/she trust the person closes to her/him and that person acted by denouncing the domestic abuse of the stepdad. In the third scenario the character takes action into his/her own hands and with help of a friend he/she obtained a gun that help to kill his/her stepdad and that way he/she knew that her/his mom suffering would be over soon. So many cases out there like this with different ending but I think this are 3 of the most common one and to be honest if we would be afraid to speak up the cowards that abuse women and men would me in  jail and our society would have a better environment. Pay attention to your surroundings, to the people, to the kids and the wise to observe if everything is fine with them.

I really loved doing this that I’ve been playing around more these types of games. It’s very amazing the power of creating games in twine and how many people have been influenced by it. I’m sure I am one of many, and many more to come.